Flora Day: The Morning After!

Photo by Dick Powell
Flora Day: The Morning After·
While you·re enjoying the festivities of Flora Day, spare a thought for the intrepid workers who will be cleaning up after you.
Because every year, Kerrier District Council·s street cleansing team are up bright and early the morning after Flora Day, to clear away up to 25 tonnes of rubbish before lunchtime!
Work begins around 5 AM and, remarkably, is normally complete within around six hours · it·s a massive operation.
But this year (2004) things are even more complex, as the teams will attempt to separate out cardboard, green waste and other recyclable refuse as they go.
Kerrier Direct Services Manager Andy Mead explains: ·By the time Flora Day has finished, certain streets of Helston look like a bombsite · and yet nobody is surprised to see it looking spick and span by eleven or twelve o·clock the next day.·
It’s all down to a very dedicated team who get up early, and work their socks off to get the town back to normal as quickly as possible. They deserve every credit.·
Cllr Mike Clayton, Kerrier·s Portfolio Holder for the Environment, commented: ·This is one of the many things Kerrier does behind the scenes to make Community events like Flora Day go well.·
It often goes unnoticed, but to clean up so much rubbish so quickly is a fantastic achievement and I applaud the hard work of the teams concerned. Given the size of the task they already face, attempting to separate and recycle this refuse as they go along is particularly ambitious.·
I’d also like to take this opportunity to wish everybody a very enjoyable Flora Day.