29th Division, US Army
by Gordon Golding
Greetings Graham
It’s been a long time since we’ve been in contact, but my research on my father and the 29th Division is continuing apace. I recently received this picture of the officers of Headquarters Co., 2nd Battalion, 175th Infantry Regiment in front of their billet in Helston. The 175th history says that the company was billeted at 65 Meneage St, but today that address is occupied by a butcher shop (H. G. Oliver), which doesn’t look like the house in the photo at all. Also, the troops tended to be billeted in hotels. So I was wondering if the house looked familiar (I realize it could be anywhere!).

From left to right:
Standing. Lt. Samuel Dinnerman (WIA 8 June 1944), Capt. Theodore A. Cross, MD, Lt. Jack A. Cramer (KIA 17 July 1944), Father Taggert, Chaplain, 2nd Lt. Edward A. Tuleya (WIA 8 June 1944), Capt. Louis J. Curl, Col. Shindlberger, Capt. Claude Melancon.
Seated: Lt. John Carlson (captured 30 July 1944), Lt. James L. Hughes (KIA 13 August 1944), Capt. Harold Simmons (KIA 27 June 1944)