St Peter’s-Tide
The Annual Festival of Porthleven is held at St. Peter’s-tide (St. Peterstide.
The reasons behind its name are quite simple. St. Peter is the patron saint of fishing, and the staple industry of the village was fishing.
The sons and daughters of Porthleven, who were scattered far and wide by the exigencies of life, made special efforts to return home for this occasion.
The houses were newly whitewashed and painted, granite-work scrubbed, and the boats in the harbour are made to look spick-and-span.
On the afternoon of June 29th, a procession of the scholars of the Fore Street (late Wesleyan) Methodist Sunday School, accompanied by two bands and with banners waving, made a tour of the village, coming to a halt at the Recreation Ground, where tea was served to adults, and children are given a saffron bun and fruit.

The bands played in this field throughout the afternoon and the children were catered for by sports and games.
On the following day, the same order was proceeded with. A procession of the Peverell Road Methodist Sunday School was made, and tea and sports take place.
St. Bartholomew’s Church Sunday School also observed St. Peter’s Day by a church service, tea and sports for the children on the Vicarage lawn.